Classroom – Forensic Arts Events

DRAMATIC PERFORMANCE is an individual category in which selections are either dramatic or humorous. Selections are from published-printed novels, short stories, plays, or any other such materials. Presentations are memorized and made without props or costumes. At some tournaments, the event is split into dramatic and humorous categories.
Video of Humorous Interpretation: “Kick Me: Adventures in Adolescence”
Video of Dramatic Interpretation: “Not a Genuine Black Man”

DUO INTERPRETATION OF LITERATURE is a two-person version of DP. Students cannot look at one another or make physical contact with each other during the performance.
Video of Duo Interpretation: “The Invention of Wings”

In ORAL INTERPRETATION OF LITERATURE, students select poetry and prose pieces for performance. Unlike DP or DUO, a student will have the manuscript in front of him or her in a small binder, and the performer must show a balance of eye contact between the script and audience. OI is not “acted out” to the degree of DP or DUO.
Video of Oral Interpretation/Poetry: “Kim and Carrie”
Video of Oral Interpretation/Prose: “The Things They Carried”

PROGRAM ORAL INTERPRETATION should not be confused with Oral Interpretation of Literature. In POI, using selections from Prose, Poetry and Drama, students create a ten minute performance around a central theme. POI is designed to test a student’s ability to intersplice multiple types of literature into a single, cohesive performance. A manuscript is required and may be used as a prop within the performance if the performer maintains control of the manuscript at all times. Performances can also include an introduction written by the student to contextualize the performance and state the title and the author of each selection.
Video of Program Oral Interpretation: “Debate Like A Girl”

Generic Interpretation

Characterization Worksheet

Interp Script Summary and Review

Key Terms in Interpretive Events

Interp Worksheet

Interpretation Worksheet – with answers

Rostrum Article – Miss Interp Explains It All For You

Dramatic Interpretation

Characterization in Dramatic and Humorous Interpretation

What to Expect Competing in Dramatic Interpretation

Duo Interpretation

On Writing Duo Interp Introductions

Rostrum Article – Duo Techniques

What to Expect Competing in Duo Interpretation

Humorous Interpretation

Characterization in Dramatic and Humorous Interpretation

What to Expect Competing in Humorous Interpretation

Oral Interpretation

Oral Interpretation Tech

Oral Interpretation Worksheet – Jupiter

Rostrum Article – Can I Shake My Binder?

Rostrum Article – Characterization in Dramatic and Humorous Interpretation

Program of Oral Interpretation

What to Expect Competing in Program Oral Interpretation